James Delingpole
Politics • Writing • Culture
Erudite but accessible; warm and witty; definitely not woke
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They Killed Your Business, Murdered Your Parents and Destroyed Your Health. But It's OK: The Guy Responsible Has Written an Hilarious Memoir

How can you tell when (former Mayor of London and UK Prime Minister) Boris Johnson is lying? When you see his lips moving, of course. But also, I was reminded just now, when you read the words he has dashed off for some ludicrously inflated sum of money staring up from the pages of the newspaper you almost vomited on in disgust.

Like you I don’t read newspapers. Just occasionally, though, I’ll find my eye drawn to particularly emetic headlines like this one from the Mail on Sunday: “It saved lives, but now I’m not sure lockdown works.” This turned out to be an extract from Johnson’s autobiography, Unleashed, which the paper was billing as ‘the political memoir of the century’.

I read on, curious to see exactly how Johnson would gloss over the period when, as British prime minister, he played a key role in perhaps the most illiberal mass experiment in history: the drastic restrictions on movement and free association imposed on the world’s eight billion populace, ostensibly designed to arrest the spread of a supposedly deadly and unprecedented virus called ‘Covid.’

As you would expect from such a master of distraction, obfuscation and confected bonhomie, Johnson does an absolutely first rate job of letting himself off the hook. The way he writes about this period of fascistic control-freakery, you’d almost think he’d had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Johnson writes:

“I can hardly believe the gall, the audacity of the Government in trying to micromanage humanity. […] I think of those long discussions around the green baize of the Cabinet table, well into the night, as brilliant young officials came up with ever more elaborate schemes for modulating human behaviour - and I want to scream. It’s bonkers, really.”

Note the detached language. He speaks contemptuously of ‘the Government’ as if, despite being its official leader, it was an entity for which he had no responsibility. Instead of “I remember”, which would place him at the heart of that Cabinet-room reminiscence, he uses the more distancing “I think”, almost as though he had merely dreamt up the scenario but had never actively participated in it.

A tiny part of me sympathises with Johnson here. Though he is lazy, devious and venal, he is not a natural tyrant. When he imposed those lockdowns and all the pettifogging rules and regulations that went with them, we can be pretty sure that he did so under extreme duress. We know this because he privately briefed newspaper editors at the time that he was effectively in a hostage situation, that his orders were coming from above and that he had no option but to obey.

But that excuse only washes up to a point. It’s a bit like a super celebrity appealing for clemency after attending one of Diddy’s ‘freak off’ parties. “Guys, guys, I really didn’t want to have sex with that twelve-year old child that was brought to me on a platter like a canape. It’s just part of the deal you have to make if you want to sell millions of records and drink Cristal all day on your private island. I really had no choice.”

Johnson clearly understands on some level that neither ‘Big boys made me do it and then ran away’ nor ‘Nothing to do with me, Guv. I was only Prime Minister at the time’ are going to be quite enough to salvage his reputation. So elsewhere in his self-exculpatory screed he tries a slightly different tack.

“How could I, Boris Johnson, have conceivably authorised these super-complicated codes of behaviour?”

[Brief pause, there, to admire the chutzpah of that adjective ‘super-complicated’. No, Johnson, it wasn’t the complexity of the rules that people minded, so much as the savage, mindless injustice of them: people not being allowed to attend funerals or visit dying relatives; people having their businesses destroyed; that kind of thing - all to combat a ‘disease’ which the evidence clearly showed was claiming no more lives than in an average flu year]

He goes on to ask:

“But why on earth were the public so wiling to have their lives circumscribed in such rabbinical detail? The answer is that they were frightened; they wanted something to believe in, something officially sanctioned that they could do to stop the spread of the disease; rules that they could collectively obey.Like the children of Israel in the desert, we turned to highly regimented systems of behaviour, as part of our response to the horror and mystery of invisibly transmitted infection.And we in officialdom were, of course, appalled by our own scientific impotence, and we also wanted to believe in the rules. They were the best we could provide because as yet we had no cure.”

Can you see the sleight of hand being practised here? It’s very well done because Johnson is, and always has been, a master of the art of bullshit. And I’m sure that most of the people who buy this book will be taken in by it, lulled by that faux-candid appeal “How could I, Boris Johnson…?”, by the heft and gravitas of those Biblical allusions, and by that sly transition from lightly-hinted-at incompetence (“our own scientific impotence”) to that ‘but damn it all, we were the good guys just trying to do our best’ message in the concluding sentence.

Just in case you missed the point Johnson hammers it home a few paragraphs later.

“But it was clear to me then - and it still is - that my fundamental duty was to protect the lives of British citizens.”

Right. That’s quite enough analysis of Johnson’s eel-like blathering. Normally, I wouldn’t bother to engage with this sort of thing at all because, as most of us here know, everything that takes place in the public domain is just puppetry and theatre and generally beneath our contempt.

I do think, though, that just occasionally it’s worth straying into that realm of lies and fakery in order to see how they do it, and to marvel at how they continue to get away with it.

Remember: the percentage of the population that believes “Well governments had to do what they did. It was a major pandemic. They didn’t have all the information. Sure they made mistakes but then, this situation was unprecedented” still vastly outnumbers the percentage that knows it was all just one massive psyop designed to advance the sinister interests of the New World Order.

That’s what makes this book Unleashed quite a useful gauge of where we currently are on the road to perdition. It gives us insights into what Normies are thinking because it represents what they are being told to think by the mainstream media and the publishing industry.

Essentially, the message from officialdom is: “Yes, we now admit that the Covid years were a massive disaster, yes those rules and regulations were utterly ridiculous and it’s amazing anyone fell for them frankly, and yes massive cock ups were made by the clowns in charge….

BUT you can still forgive us everything because it really was a deadly disease and anyway we only did all these horrible things to you because you wanted it. You told us you were scared so we offered you the comfort blanket of bigger government.”

This is what the Nazis used to call ‘Für ihre sicherheit’. More accurately, it’s what you might call Victim Blaming. The implication - utterly dishonest, of course - is that the government is a benevolent force motivated above all by a sincere desire to act according what it perceives are the best interests of the people. If the people appear to be yearning for more security then what option does the government have than to deliver it, even if the net result turns out to be massive restrictions on freedom?

As always, though, with Deep State puppets like Johnson, it’s not what they say that matters so much as what they don’t say.

In this case, the very obvious thing that Johnson is not mentioning is the reason for all that public agitation. The public were so afraid because the government told them to be afraid. That was the purpose of all those daily press conferences, chaired by Johnson, in which Big Pharma stooges Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Jonathan Van Tam talked up the health threat with frightening statistics about the increase in COVID-19 cases. It was also why, during this period, the government became the newspaper industry’s biggest advertiser: in order that the MSM could be bribed and cajoled into running endless hysterical articles about lives tragically cut short due to the deadly virus stalking the land which would definitely kill granny unless you put on a mask NOW.

They had to do this because otherwise, the public might have got the correct impression that the pandemic wasn’t real and gone about their lives as normal.

It’s very hard for most people to appreciate how truly, Satanically evil are the rulers of the darkness of this world. Partly it’s hard because so relatively few people take the Bible seriously these days. And partly it’s hard because the minions of those dark rulers are so damned good at their job.

I take my hat off to Johnson. His deceptions are almost worthy of the devil. For years, I was taken in by them myself. When I knew him at university, I was charmed and amused by his bluff, rumpled congeniality. When he was my editor at the Spectator, I found him easy-going and encouraging - if not exactly present. I watched his rise and rise and thought: “Well, Bozza, you deserve it. You’re likeable, you write fluently and wittily, you’re on the side of freedom and fun - and you do pull off some jolly stunts like that one on YouTube where you throw a ball backwards over your head and it goes through the hoop.”

But all the world’s a stage. Not all the actors on it are necessarily chosen for their charisma or japesomeness - see, for example, current UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer - but those were definitely some of the qualities for which Johnson was selected and he is playing his role to a T.

Was Johnson deliberately earmarked and put in place as Britain’s designated leader during the plandemic in order to make lockdowns and near compulsory vaccination more palatable than they might have been under a less engagingly cheeky-chappy PM? Well it’s possible, I suppose, though I doubt even the Rulers of the Darkness of this world are so capable as to be able to micromanage political leaderships with quite such precision. But hey, who knows?

All we need to know for the purposes of this article is that Johnson, like all politicians of any significance, is the tool of some very dark and powerful forces. And that one of his main jobs - perhaps even THE main job - is to make sure that ordinary folk remain blissfully unaware that these dark and powerful forces exist.

Those ordinary folk - by which I mean, essentially, the 95 percent of the population that isn’t down the rabbit hole - need continually to be reassured that their countries are run by bumbling oafs who are no real threat because they can be voted out of office; that the job of government is to protect them and that it would certainly never do anything like cull them with a kill shot or deliberately start wars in order to cull them some more; that politicians can do some pretty crazy things, which sometimes have really quite painful consequences for the people they supposedly serve, but that’s because, hey, ‘politics is showbusiness for ugly people’ so that makes it sort of OK.

That, I’d argue, is the real purpose of this book, which will no doubt be heavily promoted, and well reviewed, and on lots of middle class shopping lists this Christmas. Johnson will be permitted by The Powers That Be to be rehabilitated, not because TPTB give a shit about his wellbeing - They would quite happy have Magafuli-ed him if he hadn’t obeyed orders during that creepy interlude where he was dragged off behind the scenes, supposedly suffering from severe Covid - but because this is the role for which They currently require him.

They wiped out your business; they gave your teenager myocarditis; they finished off grandpa in the care home with Midazolam; they shut down your local pub; they put up more wind turbines and 5G towers; they blocked your road; they gave your sister blood clots and brought your uncle’s jogging career to a sudden close with a fatal heart attack; they got you beaten up in a train carriage because some angry tosser took obsession to the fact that you weren’t wearing a mask; they humiliated your entire street, every Thursday by cajoling everyone into a Cultural Revolution style display of collective state-worship, banging pots and pats for the vampiric NHS; they mocked you with their private parties; they lied to you every day on the telly and in the newspapers; they sent police drones to film you for taking apparently illicit walks in the Peak District; they closed down the car parks at your favourite walking spot; they taped off the park benches; they drove you insane with rainbow logos and NHS logos everywhere you went; they told you you had to wear a face nappy, even though you knew it was like trying to keep mosquitos out with a tennis net; (if that is you even were to believe viruses exist which you now don’t); they displayed photos of places you couldn’t go to, like Venice, with programming messages like “Isn’t it marvellous how much cleaner the canals are now that no one is allowed to take gondolier rides on them or even look at them?”; they forced you to let your mother die alone - and then wouldn’t let her friends attend the funeral. They did all this, and more, deliberately, when they knew perfectly well that there was no pandemic, that the ‘vaccines’ were both useless and deadly, and that the real reason for all this stuff was to help the Malthusians carry out one of their periodic population culls and so that banksters had a little longer to squirrel away their ill-gotten gains before the economy collapsed totally.

But it’s OK, you needn’t worry, or feel in any way bitter or angry or vengeful because guess what: lovable, tousle-haired Boris Johnson [the guy in charge of Britain, btw, when ALL the above was happening] has just written a funny autobiography with all sorts of anecdotes, like the time he was in Scotland with his controller Carrie and his kayak was nearly blown out to sea!

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Good Food Project

James talks to Jane from the excellent ‘Good Food Project’.

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Michelle Davies

James catches up with old friend and ‘Osteo’, Michelle Davies.


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David Icke

Delingpod LIVE: 15th November 2023, Manchester

Finally, in lavish technicolour, the confrontation you've all been waiting for: Delingpole v Icke. It wasn't meant to be this way. The plan was for it to be an entertaining conversation between two truthers about their respective journeys down the rabbit hole. But something went badly wrong. Listen in to decide for yourself what the problem was - and whether you're now Team Delingpole or Team Icke...Very kindly sponsored by Hunter & Gather:https://hunterandgatherfoods.com

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If you need silver and gold bullion - and who wouldn't in these ...

Christianity 1 New Age 0

If you haven’t already - I’m a bit behind the curve here - I urge you to watch this car crash encounter between Christian apologist and scholar Wes Huff and ‘ancient civilisation’ researcher Billy Carson.

It’s an excruciating experience - probably best to watch it on double speed - for a couple of reasons. First, the hapless podcast host/debate moderator Mark Minard is somewhat out of his depth and is also clearly embarrassed at having one of his guests (Carson, sitting right next to him) eviscerated in front of him by his other guest. This causes him to interrupt the debate at intervals and expound well-meaningly but not very interestingly on his own half-baked views on the mysteries of the universe. You feel a bit sorry for him but you do rather wish he’d shut up.

Second, and mainly, it’s painful to watch Carson being outclassed and outgunned by someone who knows and understands his purported field of expertise so much better than he does. Carson was reportedly so upset by the encounter that he ...

Mark Steyn: Climate Hero

“The world is ****ed. What practical thing can I do to make any difference?”

It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves at one time or another. And I don’t think that the answer is one that many of us would like to hear. Let me give you an example of the kind of tenacity, courage and self-sacrifice required if you really want to take on this ineffably corrupt system.

I give you: Mark Steyn v Michael Mann.

Michael Mann - as you’ll know if you’ve read my account of the climate wars Watermelons (now available in an even punchier updated edition - https://jamesdelingpole.co.uk/Shop/Products/Watermelons-2024.html) - is the creator of probably the most overrated and fraudulent artefact in the entire global warming scam: the infamous Hockey Stick chart.

In order to scare the world into believing that catastrophic, man-made ‘climate change’ is real and that we need to act now to avert disaster, the architects of the hoax needed some kind of experty expert to come up with some plausible-looking evidence.

Enter an up-and-coming American ...

Bovaer is Bullshit

Perhaps the best thing to come out of the Bovaer/burping cows scandal was this Tweet by me.

The point about Bovaer is not that it may or may not be harmless and that it may or may not have a significant impact on cow methane. The point is that it is entirely unnecessary because man-made climate change is TOTALLY made up bollocks.

I like the Tweet because it’s true and succinct. But I like it even more for the reaction it got: almost everyone out of 215,000 people who saw it agreed strongly with the sentiment.

Here are some sample reactions:

Said it all in one short paragraph

Bingo! (Get this man a pint, please)

Glad someone said that

Totally unnecessary!!! Let the cows fart!

I could go on. 629 people commented, most of them positive. 4.6K were sufficiently inspired to share it. And 19K people liked it.

OK, so these aren’t Elon-Musk-level or Russell-Brand-level numbers. But unlike Musk, I do not own Twitter, and unlike Brand I’m not a closet Satanist with an eerie, Svengali-like hold over my audience. Also, unlike both of them, my ...

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Welcome to the Golden Age of Lucifer

‘Time will tell” is one of my least favourite phrases, especially when - as so often - I see it being deployed by some semi-awake person on social media urging us to be more cautious with our gloomy prognostications because, hey, it’s too early to judge and we might yet be pleasantly surprised.

I dislike it for various reasons. One is its aura of self-satisfied reasonableness, with its implication that this person considers himself to be more measured and more worldly in his judgements than the fools-rushing-into-judgement hotheads he is lightly chastising.

Another, is that it is a pusillanimous, fence-sitting excuse for delaying action and, potentially, addressing the problem that has been identified while it’s still early enough to counter it.

But I think my most particular objection is that it is so ineffably Normie. That is, it subscribes wholesale to the false paradigm that history is just a series of random events which no one could possibly predict. Most people think this way, I know, because it’s what we’re repeatedly told. But there’s really no excuse for any person whose eyes are open to go on thinking this way. Is it not, after all, one of the most entry-level discoveries you make on your journey down the rabbit hole, that almost no major event happens by accident because almost everything is pre-planned?

So to Donald Trump who, amazingly, despite all the predictions to the contrary by lots of experts on Twitter etc, has somehow survived the machinations of all those Dark Forces bent on denying him a second term as US president and actually been inaugurated.

Whoulda thunk? Well I, for one, and if there’s a trace of boastfulness in my tone it is entirely unmerited. I knew Trump was going to make it not because I am Nostradamus but because it was bleeding obvious that his victory had been preordained by the Powers That Be.

This had nothing to do with the voters. (If it had been, he would have beaten Biden in 2020). It had everything to do with The Plan which, it is now becoming clearer, required Trump to spend a performative four years in the wilderness while a growing body of Americans wailed and gnashed their teeth at the ravages inflicted on their great country by a senile, incontinent child-sniffer - or, rather, various actors in masks playing a senile, incontinent child-sniffer - controlled from behind the scenes by Satanic high priest (and homosexual Kenyan) Barack Obama.

The faked - sorry but it was! - assassination attempt was part of this softening up process. Do you remember how, in the run up to the elections, there were all sorts of rumours doing the rounds that Trump would never get to enjoy a second term as president because ‘They’ would never let him? Either the Biden administration would cook up some national emergency, a new ‘pandemic’ say, to close down the polling booths or even cancel the election altogether. Or ‘They’ would simply assassinate him.

Well that was one of the reasons they went to all that trouble to stage it: to whip even doubters into a frenzy of yearning for a saviour figure. Just in case anyone had missed it, Trump re-emphasised this point at his inauguration when he declared “I was saved by God to make America great again.”

If this is what you believe, then I strongly recommend that you don’t watch or listen to this analysis of Trump’s second term prospects by the Nations Conspire channel on YouTube.

It notes that the ‘golden age’ promised by Donald Trump is worryingly similar to the ‘golden dawn’ promised by the dark magician Aleister Crowley and thence by the New Age movement. But will this prove to be the false light we are warned about in scripture and will Trump turn out to be one of the false prophets whose seductive message will deceive even many Christians?

I’m banking on ‘yes’ and believe me, this is not a ‘yes’ of enthusiasm. I don’t want the world to go to hell any more than the next parent or grandparent does. I’d so much prefer it if Donald Trump turned out to be the guy who was going to sort out all this mess and make not just America but the whole planet great again.

Trump - or if you want to be cynical, the machine that controls Trump - understands our desperation for things to get better, and plays on it. Hence, for example, that crowd pleasing promise that from henceforward his government would recognise only two genders.

Yes - like his remarks about green energy, about uncontrolled immigration, about ending the war in Ukraine - this is obviously a good thing. But the point people miss when they’re punching the air, going, “Yay! Finally a politician who is speaking my language” is that they’re watching the political equivalent of a pro-wrestling performer striding into the ring to play his good guy role. We’ve had four years of the bad guy - the incontinent clown who pooped himself when he went to visit the Pope - who allowed the swarms across the border and let his State Department escalate the war in Ukraine and let the transgender freaks run riot. Now comes the orange man wearing the white hat to clean everything up and make everything nice again.

That’s the idea, anyway. And lots of people buy it because we like to believe in fairy stories with a happy ending. But I’m not one of them because, though I used to be a fan of Trump I have since read and watched much to make me suspicious about his true nature and his true purpose.

If Operation Warp Speed wasn’t a tell - c’mon: are we really to applaud the guy that fast-tracked the death jab that killed tens of thousands and incapacitated millions? - then that bizarre inauguration really ought to have been. To me it looked liked an occult ritual ushering in the age of Lucifer.

All that bronze make-up Trump wore, for example. We’re so used to Trump being strange looking - “Orange Man” - and talking in that strange, dislocated way, like he’s channeling spirits or he’s part of an MK Ultra experiment, that we’ve ceased to find anything he says or does truly extraordinary or weird. “It’s just The Donald being The Donald,” we think. This gives him cover to act out all manner of seriously bizarre occult ritual under the full gaze of a bedazzled, hypnotised public so determined to give him the benefit of the doubt that they affect not to notice anything strange. Like, maybe, when the next president of the USA begins his term with his face shimmering gold like the incarnation of Lucifer himself.

And if anyone does point out that something’s not right, they make excuses for him. Was it not a bit disturbing that rather than place his hand on the Bible when he swore his oath, Trump instead let his wife - dressed in Masonic black and white - hold it beside him? Well apparently not. It was all OK because the oath was rushed and Trump just didn’t have time to move his hands across that vast, six-inch gulf to grab the Bible Melania was holding. People actually believed this.

There was similarly bizarre excuse making for Trump’s son, Eric. His flashing with his hands of the Illuminati power symbol, the inverted triangle, was so blatant that his wife had to have a quiet word in his ear. Almost all world leaders, Trump included, make this gesture whenever they are on the public stage, to reassure their dark overlords as to where their true allegiances lie and, simultaneously, to indicate their contempt for all those billions of useless who have not the slightest clue what the hand gesture means. But when sharp-eyed rabbit holers pointed this out on Twitter, Trump fans were all ready with their excuse. Eric was just trolling the Illuminati. Apparently.

Matthew warns us in his gospel:

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

No disrespect to all you very elect out there. But over the next four years I’d say one or two of you are going to be in for some very nasty shocks.

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Elon Musk Wants To Rape You

Do you know what it’s like to be the only panellist on a live BBC TV debate show speaking up about Muslim rape gangs? I do and I still shudder at the memory.

It was on a youth programme called - I kid you not - Free Speech and, as you’d expect of the BBC, the panel was stuffed with a representative selection of modern British archetypes: a leftist; a hard leftist; a green; a Muslim; an ultra hard leftist; a radical Muslim; etc. And then, representing the entire spectrum from conservatism to libertarianism, me.

I can’t say my comments went down terribly well with most of the multi-ethnic studio audience. At least one bearded guy near the front, I remember, was wearing a sweatshirt with “I heart Sharia” on it. When I brought up the Muslim rape gangs I might as well have been talking about unicorns because, to judge by the general response - including from the woke presenters - I was describing a purely imaginary problem.

Obviously I knew I wasn’t because I’d spent a long time looking into it and writing articles about it. I’d read the official inquiry reports, the case studies, the investigative journalists, even spoken to some of the witnesses and victims. It was shocking, horrific, inexcusable - the sort of thing that you might imagine would never have been allowed to happen in a ‘civilised’ Western democracy where the rule of law applied.

Essentially, over a period of decades going back at least to the 1980s, loosely organised gangs of mostly Muslim men in towns all over Britain were predating on mostly white and Sikh girls, most of them underaged, and drugging, torturing and raping them, often gang-raping them, again and again and again. And the system allowed these evil predators to get away it, partly because potential whistleblowers were frightened of being called racist, but mainly because the authorities were complicit. The local councils, the police, even the child protection services either turned a blind eye or, sometimes, actively participated in these crimes.

That’s why I wasn’t afraid to poke my head above the parapet on that TV programme. I didn’t care if the BBC wanted to caricature me as a far-right Islamophobe. What mattered was that we stopped turning a blind eye to this behaviour and that, especially, we stopped institutions like the BBC gaslighting the public into believing that the problem wasn’t widespread.

Anyway, a few weeks later, I felt sort of vindicated. I was hurrying down Oxford Street, about to catch the tube home, when a lovely girl standing outside a pub suddenly grabbed me and gave me a hug. “Thank you for speaking up for us!” she said. She was a Sikh girl and she knew all about the rape gangs.

The reason I tell you all this is not to demonstrate how brave and amazing I am. But rather to offset any criticism I might incur from all those readers who think it’s bloody great that everyone, even people in America, even Elon Musk, is finally talking about those evil Muslim rape gangs.

Indeed, Elon has been trolling the subject on Twitter like a boss.

In one retweet, he has brought to public attention the awful fate of 16-year old Lucy Lowe, raped from the age of 14 by a taxi driver called Aznar Ali Mehmood, then murdered with her mother and her disabled sister in a house fire. (This happened in 2000)

In another retweet, he has shown a picture of UK prime minister Keir Starmer with, superimposed over his face, “I FACILITATE CHILD RAPE”.

In yet another retweet, he has broadcast (to his 210.4 million followers) the following message:

British girls are being sacrificed on the alter [sic] of multiculturalism, and the perpetrators are being protected.

Fight back British man.

Now it’s not that I disagree with any of the sentiment here. Organised rape gangs are an evil and should never have been allowed to get away with it for as long as they have. Keir Starmer undoubtedly has many skeletons in his cupboard from his stint as head of the Crown Prosecution Service where he turned a blind eye not just to child grooming gangs but also to the activities of Jimmy Savile. Yes, multiculturalism has been a disaster (as it was always planned to be).

Rather, my objection is: why now?

The rape gang issue is one that anyone, anywhere could have got worked up about in at least the last forty years. It’s not some new and terrible thing about which the details are only just emerging. And if we’re going to blame political parties, the former Conservative government was at least as reluctant to address the problem as the current Labour one is.

No. There’s an ulterior motive behind all this confected outrage, currently being hyped to the max on social media, Twitter especially.

I suspect it has a lot to do with the global swing to the authoritarian right which has long been planned by the Powers That Be - hence Donald Trump being allowed to win his latest presidential election (where he wasn’t in the election before that), and Nigel Farage very obviously being teed up to be Britain’s next prime minister, leading the fake alternative Reform Party.

And possibly also it is part of the general psyop designed to persuade us all that Muslims are so barbaric and dangerous that we shouldn’t worry too much about the ones currently being genocided in Gaza, or the ones that will die when the West finally gets to enjoy its long-planned war with Iran.

Elon Musk is not your friend. He’s a technocrat; a transhumanist; probably a Satanist; definitely a liar.

If he says stuff you like to hear it’s not because he’s a groovy guy who shares your values. It’s because he thinks you’re a gullible idiot whom he can twist round his little finger.


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On Realising That I'm Never Going To Be Lord Delingpole

I’m never going to be Lord Delingpole. Nor Sir James Delingpole. Nor even a mere James Delingpole OBE. All this would have come as a bit of a shock to my younger self. I know this because I once found a story I’d written, aged about 10, whose dashing hero was Sir James Delingpole VC. Back then I believed, as most people from my background did, that the surest sign you had made it in life was when you became an ornament of the Establishment.

But I don’t think that way any longer. In the latest New Year Honours one of my old friends, whom I’ve known since we were 19 year old freshers at Oxford, has just been made a lord. And I don’t feel even slightly jealous. On the contrary, I feel rather sorry for him because I know the terrible price he will have had to pay for his £361 per day attendance allowance, subsidised dining and agreeably well-located riverside premises on the north bank of the Thames.

Yes, superficially, it would be nice to have one of those wife-pleasing honorifics that impresses the postman, bags you tables in the best restaurants and increases your chances of getting a flight upgrade on those rare journeys where you’re not already travelling free, first class, on some taxpayer-funded fact-finding mission.

Personally, though, I prefer being able to sleep at night.

No, I’m not so high-minded that I’d reject all the above perks if they were given to me purely as a reward for being me. But that’s never the deal. When you get ‘elevated’ to the House of Lords with a peerage it’s not you that they want. It’s your soul.

Time and again I have watched, aching with disappointment, as friends whom I used to think of as spirited, independent-minded, original, courageous, outspoken have been reduced, on attainment of their titles, into cowed, toothless, spavined jades of the Establishment.

I’ve noticed it especially with the ones who used to be vaguely readable journalists. Once they become lords that’s it, game over. Not a word they write thereafter is worth reading because they are so obviously in hock to whichever political party it was that bought them with their peerage and, beyond that, to the pet causes of the Establishment generally.

By ‘Establishment’ I suppose what I really mean in this instance is the Deep State. So, for example, if the Deep State wants to promote the notion that Putin is the new Hitler, that what the world needs more than anything right now to promote peace is more Storm Shadow missiles sent to help the hero Zelenskyyy in his principled struggle against the Russian bear, and that this - rather than say, struggling to pay their bills - is what all patriotic Britons should really care about most, then that’s what you’ll get to read, every other column, delivered without the slightest glimmer of apparent shame.

It’s this lack of obvious embarrassment I find most puzzling. Do these ex-journalists genuinely believe this drivel or is it that their hearts have hardened and that they have simply come to accept that this is how the world works: that now they are officially part of the Establishment one of their jobs is to keep the little people in check by feeding them noble lies?

I suspect it’s a bit of both, though that could just be naivety and wishful thinking on my part. I’m perfectly open to the possibility that everyone in the Lords is a Satanic paedophile and that this is the entry level deal: you go to the party, do your terrible things, get filmed for Kompromat purposes, sign your pact with the devil in blood - and then, in return, you get your ermine. But the Normie sentimentalist in me still wants to give at least some of these people the benefit of the doubt: no they’re not totally evil, at least not all of them; rather they are just tragic victims of their own blind ambition, a bit like Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus.

Doctor Faustus, I think, is a bit of a shambolic play. But one of things it gets absolutely right is the cruelly unequal nature of the arrangement when you make your pact with the devil. The pleasures Faustus gets to enjoy are fleeting, trivial, and tawdry - I don’t think he even gets actually to shag Helen of Troy; only to glimpse her tantalisingly - while the horrors that await him when he is grabbed by demons and sent screaming to hell are eternal.

I’m not necessarily predicting that this is the fate awaiting every single member of the House of Lords. (God can, famously, be merciful on occasion). But definitely if I were in their shoes, I’d be worried. In order to be worried, though, you’d first need a moral conscience which I don’t believe many of these people actually have.

Yes, that’s a jolly harsh thing to say when some of the lords and ladies to whom I refer are old friends or formerly liked and respected colleagues. But here’s the thing: how is it not totally obvious at this late stage in the game that institutions such as the House of Lords do not remotely serve the interests of you and me, only those of an extremely tiny minority of genuinely wicked people?

The House of Lords, like governments across the world, like the corporations, like the big banks, like the academic institutions, like the entertainment industry, like Big Pharma and the rest, is part of the Beast System. Not everyone who works in those institutions is wholly compromised. But those who rise to the top - and that includes anyone made ‘Lord’ or ‘Baroness’ - are compromised by definition. There are no accidents at the highest levels. You are there because you have sold your soul to the forces of darkness.

Selling your soul to the forces of darkness does not have to involve, say, running an adrenochrome factory in tunnels under the Ukraine or being Hillary Clinton. There are myriad less obvious ways in which the devil can ensnare you, many of which involve the ensnared person feeling really quite good about themselves and persuading themselves that they’re making a difference.

I expect that this is the case for a lot of the people in the Lords. They’ve been given their peerages for services to this or that worthy cause - free speech, say, or education - and they imagine that their consciences are salved. Sure, they might find themselves sharing ermined bench space with one or two people who’d be better suited to a maximum security prison than the Upper House, but the important thing is they can now do useful stuff like scrutinising legislation and dignifying committees and steering the nation in the right direction.

No. Sorry. Not buying this excuse. It’s like accepting a job in Hitler’s cabinet and reassuring yourself that because you’ve only been appointed Minister for Frankfurters and Lederhosen you bear no moral responsibility for any of your colleagues’ more nefarious decisions…

I apologise to the Nazis for any offence that may have been caused by that analogy. Of course, I appreciate that much of what’s being done to us all now under the encroaching New World Order is quite literally worse than Hitler. And the reason this terrible stuff is happening - the chemtrailing; the weather manipulation; the population cull through enforced or semi-enforced vaccination; the destruction of property rights; the war on children’s mental health through bad education, occult ritual pop videos, confected confusion over gender identity; the torture, murder and harvesting of trafficked children; the needless, cooked-up-to-order wars; the Gaza genocide; the green tyranny; to give but a few examples - is that the people who ought to be talking about it aren’t talking about it, and the people who are supposed to protect us from it are looking the other way.

Every member of the House of Lords fits into both those last categories. Every one of them has failed us.

And the ones who have failed us most, oddly enough, aren’t the obvious crooks who effectively bought their titles and are only there for the perks and the prestige. No, the far more dangerous ones are those who do occasionally speak up on issues that matter - but only within the boundaries of what their peers might consider to be politically acceptable discourse.

So, for example, on green issues you might get a sceptical lord prepared to challenge the government on the disastrous economics of Net Zero or the flaws in the modelling of its climate forecasts. But what that sceptical lord is never going to say is: “This is a scam, pure and simple. Climate change is a hoax, pushed for decades by families like the Rockefellers, in order to impoverish us, immiserate us and speed the advent of One World Government.”

On ‘Covid’, you might hear one of the edgier lords retrospectively questioning the necessity of lockdown or even promoting the faux-daring (but actually Establishment) narrative that the ‘virus’ was a result of a Chinese lab leak. But you’ll never get any of them to admit: “This was a Cabal-led cull project, co-ordinated by their cronies at the WHO, nodded through by obedient governments, promoted by a bought-and-paid-for media to weaken, disable or kill millions of people and to train them for the draconian restrictions planned for their future.” Nor will any of them admit: “Vaccines are and always were a con.”

On education, you’ll never hear them say: “Home school your child. The entire education system is broken beyond repair - as was always the plan, for the systematic dumbing down and brainwashing of children is how They will reduce the world’s population to slave status.”

On Gaza: “It’s genocide. They staged October 7th to justify it and it has nothing to do with self-preservation but with border expansion and ethnic cleansing and stoking the next world war.”

On child abuse: “It’s rife. Not just among the Muslim rape gangs that the British authorities have long enabled as part of the Deep State’s divide and rule strategy but among many members of this very institution, the House of Lords. Only in the Lords’ case, it often involves Satanic ritual and child sacrifice, which never comes before the courts because too many Establishment figures are involved, including Cabinet MPs, judges and senior policemen, and anyway that’s how the entire system runs: on Kompromat and demonic energy harnessed from Satanic ritual.”

On ‘terrorist’ attacks: “False flags designed to sow fear, justify increased spending on security and more draconian restrictions on personal freedom.”

You might argue that I am asking too much of our lords and ladies. They have to work within the System. They can’t just go and blow the whole damn thing up.

But that’s exactly my point. They didn’t get elevated to the Lords in order to make things better. They were chosen because they could be relied on not to rock the boat. Their job is to prop up the stinking edifice, not to point out how infested it is with rats, maggots and dry rot.

The House of Lords is a Potemkin village. It exists in order to maintain the illusion of normality in a country which has long since lost any claim to be a civilised ‘representative democracy.’ The state is at war with its people. It steals from them, it represses them, it culls them. Everyone, even non ‘conspiracy theorists’, can feel this, even they can’t put their finger on exactly what’s wrong.

And the reason they can’t put their finger on what’s wrong is because the alarm bells have been disabled. The people and institutions - from the media to the political class - who are supposed to warn them and protect them are instead running cover for their oppressors. That includes the House of Lords, of course. Traitors, the whole lot of them.

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