In the days when I used to a podcast with my Normie gatekeeper friend Toby Young, a question he would frequently ask when I raised one or other of my pesky ‘conspiracy theories’ was: “But why would They do this?”
My usual reply was: “These people are not like you and me. They are psychopaths. And there’s no point attempting to rationalise the thinking of psychopaths.”
But actually I now realise that the answer is much simpler. Yes, these people are psychopaths. More pertinently, though, They are Satanists. They are at permanent war with God’s creation which means, since we were all created in God’s image, that They are at permanent war with you and me.
They hate us. They want to torture us, starve us, poison us and kill us. And the few of us that are left They want to keep as slaves, just like They used to in the good old days of Babylon and Pharaonic Egypt, which They are now busily trying to revive.
It would be lovely to imagine that this eternal war between what the Bible calls the Children of Men (us) and the Seed of the Serpent (them) was just a fairy story, dreamed up by credulous religious freaks back in the day to explain all the crazy stuff about the world that they didn’t understand.
I’m sure lots of Normie types would like to believe that this is the case. I’m aware that quite a few among the red-pilled think this too. But as I am wont to say, Christianity is the final and deepest rabbit hole. If you don’t get that what is happening right now is, above all, a spiritual war between good and evil then you are missing the final piece of the jigsaw. And if you haven’t yet figured out that the only solution to the problem is God then you haven’t been paying attention.
This doesn’t mean that there aren’t things we can do, as individuals, to ameliorate the situation. We can use cash as much as possible; we can get better at growing vegetables and maybe even rearing livestock; we can acquire all those DIY skills that our debased culture trained us to think we no longer needed; we can build communities among the likeminded; we can opt out of Rockefeller medicine and work with our natural immune systems; we can turn off our spy phones and say no to digital ID.
What we can’t do, by ourselves, is win a war against people who’ve had a 6,000 year head start in which they’ve acquired almost all the money, land, power and occult knowledge they need to crush us the moment we try rising up against them. Not, you may have noticed, that the vast majority of people around you are even interested in doing such a thing anyway. That, after all, is yet another of the multifarious weapons that They have in their armoury: you might call it the ‘Nothing to see here’ magical spell.
This is where God comes in. He has form in this regard, as you’ll know if ever you’ve had occasion to glance at the Bible. There’s a moment, for example, where a young Israelite named Gideon is required to defeat a numerically superior army of Midianites. Though Gideon succeeds in raising an army more than 30,000 strong, God isn’t interested in a conventional victory. That would be too easy. So He orders Gideon to lose most of his troops - first the ones who are scared, then the ones who drink water incorrectly. Only once Gideon’s force has been whittled down to a mere 300 and the odds against him are insuperable does God grant him victory.
The point about the story - see also the destruction of Sennacherib, as later memorialised by Byron - is that God, being God, can achieve the impossible. Put your trust in Him and the rest will take care of itself for there is nothing and no one in this realm or the next capable of matching His power. When you’re on team God, all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.
All this is by way of a long-ish response to a question that quite often crops up in Awake circles: “What, practically, can we do to stop this stuff happening?” Sometimes, it’s couched in a more accusing way, as when someone said: “How about some solutions for a change, James, instead of constant doom and gloom? There must be people out there with some credible strategies.”
Well I’ve already listed above what I think are the ‘credible strategies.’ Occasionally I cover these in more detail on my podcasts - the ones say on prepping or alternative health. But I personally don’t believe that any of these are as quite as important as what should be everyone’s number one priority: make your peace with God.
Perhaps this is just my Christian bias but I do find it increasingly mystifying why more Awake people don’t yet get it. I suppose I understand it scripturally: strait is the gate. And I understand it psychologically: not even the Awake find it easy totally to free themselves from all those years of brainwashing, especially that part of the psyop designed to persuade them that God is just a sky fairy, or that raising their vibrations and achieving oneness with the universe is the way. But I don’t understand it intellectually.
That is, I don’t get how you can reach as far as adrenochrome, bloodline families sacrifice children to Satan, Elite Gender Inversion as Baphomet worship etc but then fail to draw the logical conclusion that what are being played out right now are the final stages of the battle between God and the fallen angels, led by Lucifer.
If you don’t believe that this is case, why not? And if you do believe this is case, what are you waiting for?
Here, to speed you on your way, is one of my many favourite passages from that treasury of wisdom, solace and inspiration, the Book of Psalms.
‘Put thou they trust in the Lord, and be doing good. Dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.
Delight thou in the Lord and he shall give thy heart’s desire.’
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. A lot better than, say, burning and/or freezing in hell for all eternity…