The Devil is a gentleman. Or at least he looks like one and dresses like one. And talks like one. If he didn’t, you wouldn’t want to know.
When the devil first appears to you, he does not show you his Bulls of Bashan horns, nor do his goatish eyes glow red nor does he exude the whiff of sulphur because these would all be signals to get the hell out.
No, what he does instead, is seduce you and charm you by telling you all the things you want to hear.
Which brings me to Nigel Farage and his five seats - count ‘em - Reform Party.
Many readers will be dimly aware that in Britain recently there was a sham General Election and will rightly have shrugged their shoulders and ignored it.
But some will have gone to the polling station and, in good faith, have put their cross next to that of the Reform candidate in the belief that they were striking a blow against the Uniparty. After all, didn’t fags and pint Nige tell us that he was going to ‘stop the boats’ and scrap Net Zero and the hated HS2?
Yes he did. And the reason he said it is because they are things a lot of us want to hear. But not because he had any intention of delivering them, even were it in his power. That’s because Farage is as much a creature of the New World Order as the Uniparty. The only difference is that the horns and glowing eyes are hidden beneath a jaunty flat cap.
Before I go on to slag Farage, I ought to say that I’ve known him for years and have always found him to be agreeable company. I’m certainly not going to suggest that he is a manifestly evil denizen of the dark in the way that, say, Tony Blair is. But at some stage down the line, whether near the beginning of his political career or relatively recently, our Nige has been compromised and is now playing for the wrong team. By ‘wrong team’ I mean, simply, the big club that none of us are in and certainly does not act according to our interests.
How do we know that Farage is compromised? Well, as with everyone else in that broad and bitterly divisive category ‘Controlled Opposition’, there are always one or two tells that give the game away.
In Farage’s case, I’d say one big clue was during Covid when he had himself pictured banging pots and pans for our NHS. Another was the extraordinary and never-to-be memory-holed moment when he called for Tony Blair to be appointed Britain’s Vaccine Czar.
Now you could argue, as many Farage defenders no doubt would, that this was uncharacteristic behaviour, the product of misplaced panic and a genuine belief that ‘Covid’ really was the terrible danger ‘the experts’ said it was.
I’m quite sympathetic to this line of argument: many of us have changed our views quite radically over years and it would be a bit unfair, not to say misleading, to hold us accountable for nonsense we have since rejected. But this excuse only works if there’s a degree of contrition and repentance, especially if your behaviour and public statements have been as egregiously wrong-headed as Farage’s were during ‘Covid.’
Sure Farage has been hinting recently that he now thinks the vaccines weren’t quite as safe and effective as we were told at the time. But this is just tactical trimming, not the complete change of course that would be needed were we to take Farage seriously as a credible opponent of the New World Order.
Covid was a test which Farage - and many others - failed and failed utterly. You do not redeem yourself from such disgrace by shrugging your shoulders, muttering that mistakes were made and sighing ‘Ah. Next time, eh?’
Either you acknowledge that Covid was the largest scale assault on human freedoms in the history of the world - or you are part of the problem. You can’t redeem yourself by being quite sound on other stuff like immigration and the environment. It’s like being pro human sacrifice but expecting some leeway because you once gave some money to a lovely rehabilitation centre for injured capybaras.
“Ah but he can’t speak out on all the issues because…” I can hear Reform voters protesting.
“Oh, yeah, right, because what?” I’m afraid I’m going to have to rudely interrupt. “Because mass injecting the populace with deadly toxins that kill and maim them is one of those moot issues where there are pros and cons on both sides? Because there are times when it’s really important that governments should use massive amounts of taxpayers’ money to bribe the media to lie relentlessly to the public so that they’re easier to manipulate and poison? No, sorry. Being right about Ukraine doesn’t cut it. Not if as late as 2024 you’re a politician and you’re STILL not calling out the Covid scam for what it was and is: a shameless wealth transfer to the superrich; a controlling mechanism; a mass population cull.”
So no, I don’t think that Farage - or Richard Tice or Reform - are on our side. I think, whether wittingly or no, they’re just another part of the operation steering us towards the implementation of the New World Order on behalf of the people who hate us and want to kill us or enslave us.
As to what their precise function is in this operation I couldn’t tell you for certain. But I suspect that there were three ulterior purposes to the Reform campaign: one, to distract you from genuine, honest, untainted resistance parties like David Kurten’s Heritage Party; two, to drag to the polls a constituency otherwise so disillusioned that they would not have bothered to vote, thus making the sham election appear slightly less antidemocratic; three to guarantee the planned rout of the Conservatives by splitting the ‘right-wing’ vote.
When you say all this to Reform voters they get very upset. Just as Putin fans do when you explain that he’s not our closet White Hat; and Jordan Peterson fans do when you explain he’s a Luciferian not a Christian; and Tucker Carlson fans do when you explain - with a huge sigh of regret - that he’s still probably CIA.
The sigh of regret is totally sincere. Nobody in Miriaf’s ‘If you know the name they’re in the game’ camp, myself definitely included, takes this stance just to enhance their edgy, contrarian brand. Nor do we do it because we have become so paranoid that we have lost the ability to discern true friends from real enemies.
Rather we form these judgements from first principles. Our precept - and if it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for us - is “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
So, for example, on the surface there is an awful lot to recommend Vladimir Putin to the Awake. He makes based speeches defending Christianity and traditional values against corrupting Western liberalism. He appears to hold the moral high ground in the Ukraine war, which was provoked by the Western Deep State. He has maintained the kind of economy many of us would envy: strong, gold-backed, relatively unindebted.
But that still doesn’t mean he’s one of us. He’s ex-KGB, for a start. He was handpicked for the job by the New World Order’s chief fixer Henry Kissinger. His cabinet are all the Khazarian mafia which has been running Russia since at least the Soviet Era. And if we’re talking about ‘fruits’, here are a couple that I think should concern us.
One, he pushed the ‘Covid’ ‘vaccine’ as hard on his populace during the fake Covid pandemic as any of his hateful Western counterparts. No, Sputnik was not some harmless alternative to Pfizer’s or Moderna’s or AstraZeneca’s. If it had been, if Putin had called the World Health Organisation’s bluff by giving everyone in Russia saline shots, then he might indeed have proved himself to be the man so many Western rabbit-holers imagine him to be. But it wasn’t, he didn’t, and he isn’t.
Two, Ukraine. Why, with Russia’s massive superiority in men and materiel isn’t it over yet? It isn’t over because Putin and his backers don’t want it to be over. It is not a war of principle (if such a thing even exists, which I doubt.) It is yet another forever war, deliberately prolonged to serve the New World Order’s usual interests: blood sacrifice, child trafficking, arms profiting, disaster capitalism.
To understand how the world works - and if you don’t understand this, you really don’t understand much - you need to appreciate that politics and geopolitics (and pretty much everything else from economics to the entertainment industry) are all designed to serve the interests of an oligarchy, the Predator Class, which rules by manipulation and deception.
It really doesn’t matter whether or not 33rd degree freemason Albert Pike said “Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.” Even if he didn’t say it, the method described is ubiquitous to the point of cliche.
No, there are not lots of peoples’ heroes out there, ready to save us and prove apocryphal Albert Pike and cynical James Delingpole wrong. At least not ones you have heard of or who stay alive very long. The peoples’ heroes who achieve and maintain prominence are, by definition, the people who have been allowed to achieve and maintain prominence. That’s how the big club of the Beast System works: you don’t get to join without first having sold your soul.