James Delingpole
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Erudite but accessible; warm and witty; definitely not woke
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The Lying Media Always Lie. So Why Believe Them This Time?

If ever you’ve fallen victim to a conman’s trickery - as I have on several expensive occasions - one vital lesson you will have learned is the importance of never investing emotionally in the string of plausible lies you are told.

But while this is easy in theory it is very hard to observe in practice. Most of us are trustworthy, decent people who naturally assume good faith in others. This virtue - and it is a virtue, for who wants to live in a world where we treat everyone we meet as a potential deceiver? - makes us ripe for exploitation by the forces of darkness, especially by their leader the Prince of Lies.

That’s why the Bible enjoins us “Put not your trust in princes” and ‘It is better to trust in the Lord than to put any confidence in man.” Even if you’re not a Christian, you will I hope agree that the principle is sound. If I had to recommend the Bible to atheists it would be as an instruction manual on how to survive in a corrupted world where liars rule the roost.

Anyone who has gone down the rabbit hole - Christian or not - ought to be aware by now that the people who run the world do so mainly by deception. This is, after all, the very definition of ‘waking up’: suddenly realising that everything you have been told about key historical events from the Moon landings to 9/11, about major players like William Shakespeare and Winston Churchill, even about the great ‘discoveries’ we have come to call ‘basic science’ is a tissue of lies.

The next step in this learning process is to work out how They do it. It’s actually pretty simple. They control all the major sources of information - the schools, the universities, the publishing industry, entertainment, etc - to ensure that you are fed on a constant diet of bullshit.

I used to be a part of one of these bullshit industries myself. The worst of them all, actually: the mainstream media. Because of the compartmentalisation that applies in all secret operations, I had no idea at the time that the true purpose of my industry was to frighten, mislead and brainwash the populace through misinformation and disinformation. But now that I’m a bit wiser and better informed, I see the process much more clearly.

Take ‘the news’. Most people imagine - and not just those outside the industry but those who work in it - that when a big story breaks on the front pages of all the newspapers it is a real event which has been selected for coverage because of its importance. In truth though, few people have any idea whether a story is real or not - and that includes the journalists covering it.

That’s because in its earliest stages, the story will have been taken ‘off the wires.’ That is, invariably, one of the big media agencies - Reuters, Associated Press, Agence France-Press - will have provided the raw details, which are then rewritten and lightly embellished by individual newspapers and TV news channels. In other words, most news reports are glorified press releases.

If you work as a reporter of the newspapers covering one of these stories, the incentive for verifying the facts is zero. The narrative has already been agreed on - and is being diligently relayed by all your rivals. Imagine trying to approach your editor as, say, a heartrending story is breaking about a bombing at the Boston marathon. What he wants is tales of heroism, personal tragedy and background information on the evil Muslim terrorists responsible. The last thing he needs to hear is some maverick pillock wasting his time with crazy speculation that the whole episode might have been faked.

This is why, even when thousands of well-motivated and sincere reporters all around the world cover the same story they always end up reaching the same conclusions. The lone maverick reporter prepared to jeopardise his career in pursuit of the unpalatable truth may be a staple of the movies - and there’s a reason for that, the movies, of course being another important part of the lie machine - but you rarely find him in real life. Journalists are career-safe pack animals. There is no mileage in being different. It just stops you getting published and ends up getting you sacked.

Just about the only reporters who break this rule are those who can afford - or who can’t afford, but value principles more highly than money - to work outside the mainstream media. A good example is Richard D Hall, the British investigator currently being vilified in some quarters for having dared question the official story about the Manchester Arena tragedy in 2017, when 22 innocents were supposedly murdered by an Islamist suicide bomber at an Ariana Grande concert.

Hall, as even his worst critics would have to admit, is not afraid to risk courting unpopularity. Among the subjects of his previous investigations are Madeleine McCann (probably the world’s most famous missing child) and Jo Cox (certainly this century’s most famous martyred British member of parliament, cruelly murdered in the streets - at least according to all the highly emotive newspaper reports which threatened to derail Brexit - by a deranged lone gunman). By daring to ask tricky questions about such examplars of tragic victimhood, Hall has earned himself the MSM soubriquets ‘disaster denier’ and ‘troll.’

In order for these charges to carry any weight, though, you would first need to demonstrate that all mainstream media accounts of terrorist incidents and other major news events were so accurate as to be beyond questioning. I doubt even regular consumers of the mainstream media would claim that this is the case. As for those who are Awake, they certainly wouldn’t - or at least oughtn’t - for reasons I’ve given above but which I’ll repeat here for the benefit of the slow at the back. To be Awake is, by definition, to realise that all ‘official’ sources, especially the mainstream media, lie to you relentlessly about almost everything.

I only inserted that ‘almost’ in order to cover myself, just in the unlikely event that someone, somewhere, can produce a convincing example of an occasion when the media actually told us the unvarnished truth about something. But such instances, if they exist, are rare as hen’s teeth. When I glance, disgustedly, at my wife’s copy of The Daily Telegraph, for example, I can parse every article and tell you exactly what its underlying purpose is, where it is withholding the truth, and where it is twisting the facts, in order to keep its readership misinformed. The people responsible may not always realise that they are scum. Scum, though, is most definitely what they produce on a daily basis. Just like all the other newspapers and TV channels, which are all the bloody same when it comes down to it, because they all owned by the same Predator Class.

Given that all this is so, I find myself somewhat surprised to be having to defend myself against the charge that I have been ‘misled’ by Hall. And that, in turn, when I had him on my podcast I was misleading my viewers. My viewers are more than capable of deciding for themselves what they think of Hall’s research. Personally I find it very persuasive. Though no one - except maybe those who planned the operation - could tell you exactly what happened in Manchester Arena that night, I’m pretty sure of one thing: it was nothing like the version of events we were presented with in the mainstream media.

When I wrote “except maybe those who planned the operation” I didn’t just do it to win snark points. (Though obviously, that was a massive bonus). I said it also to address one of the more fatuous objections I often see raised whenever the issue of false flag/staged terrorist incidents comes up. It goes along the lines of “I wasn’t convinced by every last detail of his argument.”

There’s invariably someone who makes this complaint after I’ve done another of my podcasts with Ole Dammegard, who specialises in revealing the truth behind such terror events as the assassination of JFK, the murder of Olaf Palme, and the 2011 massacre on Utøya island in Norway. “Rambling and speculative,” said one, after our latest, about the faked assassination of Donald Trump. https://open.substack.com/pub/delingpole/p/ole-dammegard-512? But he was completely missing the point.

The point is this: the people who plan and execute false flag/staged operations are masters of deception with unlimited resources and budgets at their disposal. One of the key areas on which they spend these unlimited budgets is the cover up operation. This can include: faked death certificates; the paying off and disappearance of ‘victims’ to new locations; rigged public inquiries; the abuse of legal process to intimidate investigators; disinformation and misinformation from the compliant press; TV specials reinforcing the official narrative; etc. Should we really be surprised that against so powerful, corrupt and mendacious an Establishment system, independent researchers find it difficult to establish, down to the finest detail, exactly how this or that operation was executed?

Much of the ire currently being directed against Hall derives from his inability to tell us exactly what happened to the 22 people allegedly killed in the Manchester Arena bombing, such as the youngest victim, eight-year old Saffie Rose Roussos. In the immediate aftermath of the bombing, much play was made in the media of “little Saffie’s” death, with prominent photos of her ‘simply beautiful’ face, and tributes such as the one from her headteacher, who said “she was loved by everyone and her warmth and kindness will be remembered fondly.”

I don’t think anyone could have looked at those photos or read those comments at the time without feeling at once moved and angry. But then, the same could be said for all those stories we read after the October 7th attacks in Israel about how 40 babies had been beheaded by the savage killers from Hamas. The more accurate figure for beheaded babies, we learned later, was zero. By that stage, though, the facts were irrelevant: the pliant public had already been whipped into the appropriate state of vengeful frenzy, so, propaganda job done.

Whenever you call into question the reported deaths of children, some people get very upset because they think you are dishonouring the dead - and the pitifully young and innocent dead, at that. I’ve written about this in two earlier essays which you might enjoy - Will No One Think of the (Probably) Fake Children?

https://open.substack.com/pub/delingpole/p/will-no-one-think-of-the-probably? and Israel and Palestine: This Time It Really Isn’t Different

The people who plan these psyops know from long experience that the best way to get the public to buy into their propaganda lies is to bypass the rational part of the brain and appeal directly to the emotions.

Sometimes, often in fact, they do it with dead children, which tend to work a treat. (Remember little Aylan Kurdi, the dead boy washed up on the beach, whose image dominated newspapers for weeks?). Sometimes, they play on more subtle emotions, like, in the case of the first Trump assassination attempt, the notion that quite a few God-fearing Trump followers have that he is on a holy mission to save the world.

Even quite a few of his Awake followers fell for it. Diehard sceptics who normally don’t believe a word they see in the newspapers and who know TV news is a joke were suddenly brandishing the ‘facts’ they’d got from both - the shooter on the roof; the hero firefighter caught in the crossfire, the miraculously slight wound - as unimpeachable truths.

It apparently never occurred to these instant, passionate, it-was-definitely-an-assassination-attempt experts to ask basic questions like: how come this particular rally in the middle of nowhere was flooded with reporters, including one from the BBC, when normally the MSM wouldn’t have touched an obscure, regional non-event like this with a bargepole?

“OK so they lied to us about ‘Covid’, global warming, the Titanic, 9/11, the Beatles, vaccine safety, Ukraine, Evolution, the causes and treatment of cancer, October 6, January 7, 7/7, the Bolshevik revolution, the Moon landings, Winston Churchill, sun cream, JFK, viruses, Princess Di, seed oils, Charles Darwin, Spanish flu, cholesterol, the early history of Britain, AIDs, the translations of the Bible, the Crusades, the Federal Reserve, the Lusitania, Marie Curie, Hollywood, Mother Teresa, the Summer of Love, the Vietnam war, the Boston marathon and a few other things. But I’m still going to trust them on… [insert story here which accords with my prejudices]”

It doesn’t really work, does it?

I think given the media’s track record, the time has long since passed when we should give them the benefit of the doubt on any story they run. If they want us to believe their nonsense, then the burden of proof should lie with them, not with the investigators calling their bluff…

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David Icke

Delingpod LIVE: 15th November 2023, Manchester

Finally, in lavish technicolour, the confrontation you've all been waiting for: Delingpole v Icke. It wasn't meant to be this way. The plan was for it to be an entertaining conversation between two truthers about their respective journeys down the rabbit hole. But something went badly wrong. Listen in to decide for yourself what the problem was - and whether you're now Team Delingpole or Team Icke...Very kindly sponsored by Hunter & Gather:https://hunterandgatherfoods.com

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If you need silver and gold bullion - and who wouldn't in these ...


Highly recommend this book. It explains the blood of Jesus throughout the whole entire Bible. https://a.co/d/du2YPzV

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Global Warming Is a Gigantic Conspiracy

Global warming is a gigantic conspiracy. Yes, well, dur, obviously we’ve known that for years. I wrote about this myself more than a decade ago in my book Watermelons, which poured scorn on the pitifully scant evidence supportive of the utterly dishonest thesis that global warming is a) man-made b) unprecedented or c) any kind of threat we should take seriously.

What I hadn’t quite appreciated when I wrote the book, though, was the vital role played by the family that did more than anyone to invent, promote, and finance the global warming mega scam: the Rockefellers.

For this discovery, I am indebted to Jacob Nordangård, a Swedish academic (and part time heavy metal vocalist), who first rumbled the Rockefellers when he was still an ardent greenie and doing a research paper on Peak Oil theory. You can hear him tell the story of how he saw the light, and talk about much else besides, on my latest podcast.

Anyway, the Rockefellers. They weren’t even mentioned by name in the first few editions ...

There's Something You Need to Know About Michelle Obama, Taylor Swift and, er, Jo Rogan...

Sooner or later on your journey down the rabbit hole you’re quite likely to end up finding the Pale beyond which you will not go: the ‘conspiracy theory’ so utterly absurd, so fantastically implausible that you refuse to entertain it even for one second.

For some it’s Flat Earth, for others it’s the outrageous notion that those four, lovable and super-talented mop tops from Liverpool were manufactured - just like the Rolling Stones - by a sinister institute called Tavistock. And for others, I was surprised to learn from the outrage on my Telegram channel recently, it’s the theory that drinking your own urine might have health benefits.

But for many more, I suspect, it will be Elite Gender Inversion. This is the theory that more than a few of the famous people whom you think of as women are in fact blokes. And vice versa.

I spent a whole afternoon exploring this rabbit hole once and you end up in some pretty strange places. One site I visited even went half way to persuading me that Jimmy Page and even more so ...

Rivers of Blood: First They Showed Us Our Future; Then the Gaslighting Began...
If ever you’re in the mood to frighten yourself out of your wits, then I cannot recommend more highly this podcast conversation between John Waters and Michael Yon. https://odysee.com/@johnwaters:7/anhonestconversation:3

It appears to confirm what a lot of us have suspected from time to time but have then dismissed as so scary it couldn’t possibly be true: yes, all those fighting-age men that our governments have mysteriously been allowing to creep across our borders and to be housed and maintained at our expense really are being imported in order to kill us.

I shan’t rehearse the depressing details, which are examined more than well enough in the pod. Rather, I want to try to answer the question: “How did we let it happen?”

More specifically, “How did our nations plumb such depths of stupidity and dumb, cattle-to-the-slaughter acquiescence as to have reached the point where hundreds of thousands of trained killers can be imported into their midst with barely a ripple of complaint from the invaded, occupied and eventually-to-be-massacred populace?”

As Exhibit A let me present an old edition of Desert Island Discs which I happened to listen to for the first time the other day on a long car journey. The guest was former Conservative MP Enoch Powell (who recorded it in 1989, nine years before his death in 1998.) You can listen to the episode here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p009mf3s

Desert Island Discs, I should explain for the benefit of non-British readers, is one of the BBC’s longest-running and most popular upmarket radio entertainment programmes. Each week a famous or distinguished ‘castaway’ is invited on to reminisce about their life and talk about how they imagine they would cope if alone on a desert island. They name the six favourite pieces of music they would like to take with them, their favourite book and their preferred ‘luxury item.’

Enoch Powell, I should also explain for the benefit of non-British readers, is possibly the most infamous figure in 20th century British politics. Children are taught, almost from birth, to revile him as the monster who in 1968 made a speech so inflammatory and racist - immortalised as the “Rivers of Blood” speech - that it rendered the public discussion of mass immigration off limits for at least one generation and possibly two or three.

But even in my Normie days, I recall not altogether buying the official narrative on Powell. For one thing, I knew from the Black Country side of my family that Powell had been a hugely popular constituency MP in the seat of Wolverhampton South West. People referred to him locally as “Our Enoch” - and not, I felt, because they were all rabid racists who knew a fellow rabid racist when they saw one. Rather, I think, it was because they felt he understood them and cared for them and worked for their best interests.

This is quite surprising, given the second thing I knew about Enoch Powell: that he was a fearsomely bright classical scholar with the kind of rarefied intellect (and correspondingly stiff, awkward manner) that normally goes down like a cup of cold sick with your typical piss-taking Black Countryman. Clearly, through their instinctive suspicion, they recognised something truly remarkable in him.

And Powell was remarkable. He rose from a fairly modest Midlands background to gain the top classics scholarship to Trinity, Cambridge. His mother had taught him Greek in two weeks and by the time he won his scholarship to King Edwards, Birmingham, he was known to be far ahead of any of his teachers. Though I do generally dislike quoting from Wikipedia, this paragraph on his Cambridge scholarship exam, which he sat aged seventeen in December 1929, is a gem.

“Sir Ronald Melville, who sat the exams at the same time, recalled that ‘the exams mostly lasted three hours. Powell left the room halfway through each of them’. Powell later told Melville that, in one-and-a-half hours on the Greek paper, he translated the text into Thucydides’s style of Greek and then in the style of Herodotus. For another paper, Powell also had to translate a passage from Bede, which he did in Platonic Greek. In the remaining time, Powell later remembered, ‘I tore it up and translated it again into Herodotean Greek - Ionic Greek - (which I had never written before) and then, still having time to spare, I proceeded to annotate it.”

The final interesting thing I knew about Powell was the trivia quiz fact that he was one of only two British servicemen - the other being Fitzroy Maclean - who during the War had risen through the military ranks all the way from private to brigadier. As with the first two interesting things, I found this to be a puzzling anomaly: how was it possible that someone so talented, capable and weirdly popular could yet also be the Twentieth Century’s most malign and notorious MP?

It made no sense, I now realise, because the very public destruction and humilation of Enoch Powell was yet another Cabal psyop. Like Lee Harvey Oswald, like Gavrilo Princip, like Muammar Gadaffi, Powell was one of history’s fall guys selected for calumny by the Powers That Be in order to achieve a desired effect and push a particular narrative.

The desired effect, in this case, was to counter and neutralise the British people’s perfectly natural disinclination to accept mass immigration. The narrative to be promoted was that being anti-immigration - even just thinking about it, let alone saying it publicly - was abhorrent, despicable, uncivilised, unnatural and wrong because it meant that you were ‘racist.’

What’s quite funny listening to Enoch Powell’s Desert Island Discs is that he clearly never accepted the role allotted him by the fake history lie machine. Sue Lawley the presenter (who has poshed up her accent but actually comes from an ordinary Black Country background not so far from Powell’s) variously tries to cajole, charm and bully Powell into admitting that he is the monster her BBC employers would like him to be. But Powell just isn’t having it.

When Lawley accuses Powell of having a sinister appearance, he politely - and bemusedly - replies that this is simply one of those tics of facial expression which we all acquire, one way or another.
When she insinuates that his family probably find him terrifying he replies that, au contraire, his grandchildren adore him, that he generally has a way with children, and that his wife must surely find something in him to have endured him all these years.

As for the ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech itself, Powell points out that he was doing no more than reiterating his party’s own policy, which in 1968 was to repatriate immigrants. When Lawley, unable to suppress her BBC sneer, insinuates that really it was those immigrants’ ‘skin colour’ that most bothered Powell, he replies that if Indians had been asked to accept an influx 40 million white people - the proportionate equivalent - they might feel they had just as much of a right to complain.

The conventional view on Enoch Powell that he was a brilliant man who yet never achieved the political eminence that could have been his because of that appalling error of judgement in his speech on immigration.

But like so much of what passes for history it is based on a huge lie. When Powell made that speech all he was doing was stating the obvious: that if you are going to import large numbers of people with different cultural and religious values into an established nation with its own very distinct identity, traditions and moral codes there are going to be unfortunate repercussions. His crime - and it was only a crime because the bought-and-paid-for media conspired shrilly to declare it a crime - was to have embellished his point by making a characteristic literary reference to Virgil’s Aeneid: “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood.’
“Your own party leader Edward Heath said it was inflammatory’, goads Lawley.
This, for those listeners in the know, is a cherishable moment.

Heath was a paedophile and a murderer - possibly, though in a pretty tight field given that he’s up against the likes of Tony Blair, Britain’s most nakedly demonic prime minister.  Heath inveigled boys from care homes onto his yacht, Morning Cloud, and, having sexually abused them, killed them - or had them killed - before disposing of their bodies in the sea.

Lawley was likely unaware of these awkward facts when she brandished Heath as some kind of moral authority to prove her virtue-signalling point on Desert Island Discs. Still, you’ve got to love the irony.
But this, habitues of the rabbit hole will know, is often the way of things. The people celebrated by history as our greatest heroes are invariably the worst wrong ‘uns (that’ll be you, inter alia, Winston Churchill). And the people who’ve been relentlessly sold to us as the bad guys quite often turn out to have been goodies.

Was Enoch Powell, then, a goodie? We’ll come to that in a moment. But he certainly gives a plausible account of himself in that Lawley interview. The impression you get is of a man decent and honest to the point of naivety who still generously assumes that the way he was so ruthlessly and cynically stitched up by the Powers That Be was just one of those things that could have happened to anyone in the tricksy realm of politics.

It really wasn’t though. This was a deliberately planned and orchestrated historical moment designed to push a specific agenda. What’s fascinating, looking back at that period through Awake eyes, is realising just how close They came to losing control of the argument, how hard They had to work to wrest it desperately back and shape it towards their desired end.

The problem for the Powers That Be was that Powell’s message - mass immigration was going to be a disaster - was extremely popular with the electorate. In fact, it was probably the reason Satanic Ted Heath and his Conservatives won the 1970 General Election - despite the fact that Heath had repudiated Powell’s alleged ‘racialism’ by sacking him from his shadow cabinet.

In a poll taken shortly after Powell’s speech, 74 per cent of those surveyed said they agreed with what he’d said. Can you imagine that happening today? Almost certainly, you can’t. But not, I suspect, because most of the native population don’t feel just the same way in their bones. Rather, it’s that in the subsequent half century they have been subjected to such extensive and thorough conditioning that they are no longer capable of even expressing their own thoughts. “Racism”, they have been trained to think, is so manifestly abhorrent as to require the most stringent self-censorship.

This is the reason we are where we are today. Not because people are too stupid to realise it’s a bad idea to ship lots of fit, well-trained-looking, military-aged foreigners into the country, maintain them at taxpayers’ expense in small hotels and hostels in every town, all behind a massive wall of silence from the political and media class. But because most people would now quite literally rather die than be considered ‘racist’.

The ‘Rivers of Blood’ psyop was a key element in that brainwashing programme. It treated British people like hungry dogs in a cage desperate for meat. (I suppose in this analogy the meat they hungered for would be a combination ‘truth’ and ‘having a meaningful say on the kind of country they would like to live in’). What the Powers That Be did at this moment was to place huge bleeding chunks of that meat just outside the cage - and then electrified the bars of the cage. Every time the dogs - the British people - tried to stick their noses through the cage bars they would be given an electric shock. And so, little by little, they would come to accept that ‘truth’ and ‘having a meaningful say on the kind of country they would like to live in’ had been rendered totally off limit for them.

In order to achieve this goal, the Powers That Be first had to fake up the outrage and drama surrounding Powell’s speech, in much the same way that their modern equivalents did recently over those three children allegedly murdered by an immigrant in Southport. The corrupt media played a major part in this: so, for example, the Times - edited by the ineffably rank and compromised Cabal lackey William Rees Mogg - did its bit with an editorial declaring it ‘an evil speech’ and saying ‘This is the first time that a serious British politician has appealed to racial hatred in this direct way in our postwar history.’ And the tabloids did theirs by bigging up the supposed increase in racial hate incidents which had allegedly resulted from Powell’s speech.

Unless you’re wise to the game being played it’s quite easy to be taken in. But once you know how these things work it becomes transparent to the point of comical obviousness. Essentially, the rule is this: the truth is whatever the slippery, mendacious, bought-and-paid-for media declares it to be. So, if a tree falls in a forest and the media - or rather its shadowy controllers - says it didn’t fall then pretty soon it will become an established and eternal fact that that tree is still standing upright. Anyone who suggests otherwise, even the people who vividly recall personally chopping down that tree with axes and chainsaws, will be marginalised, ridiculed, ignored.

This is what happened with Powell’s speech. It only became notorious because it had been pre-decided it should become notorious and therefore the media declared it to be notorious. Under other circumstances it would have gone unreported and would quickly have been forgotten, as most political speeches are.

What’s so diabolically effective about this process is that most people in this evil lie machine are acting in good faith. They simply have no idea that they are pushing the agenda of a tiny, psychopathic, misanthropic Cabal hell bent on divide and rule. I know this, because I used to be one of those innocent dupes myself.

My job, as a comment journalist, did I but know it, was to gold-plate and copper-bottom all the various lies we have been told by academics, newspapers, historians and so on over the years. This is the real purpose of anniversary pieces and think pieces on epochal events, like, say, 9/11. Once the fake facts have been established as truth, you as a comment journalist or a think piece writer then cement these fake facts in the public imagination by reminding everyone, every now and again, about how evil and stary Mohammad Atta’s eyes were, or how tragic those final telephone recordings were from the doomed passengers were, or how heroic the story of the singing Cornishman was.
Every shade of opinion on any subject is represented in the mainstream media: but only so long as it doesn’t get too close to the knuckle.

Over the years since Rivers of Blood, for example, you might have read the odd article by designated right-wing Blimp characters like Simon Heffer expressing cautious sympathy, even mild admiration for Powell. They might go so far as to say he was misunderstood, or misrepresented, or unlucky. And they will all dutifully repeat the accepted nonsense that Powell’s words were so contentious, inflammable and divisive that they rendered reasonable discussion of the immigration issue quite impossible for the next few decades.

But what you’ll never ever get from any commentator of bottom or influence is anything approaching the truth: that in 1968, a prominent politician was publicly humiliated in an utterly fake controversy over which no one would have batted an eyelid (“Politician makes speech, shock”) if they hadn’t been ordered to do so by a co-ordinated series of newspaper headlines.

The purpose of this cooked-up furore was to soften up the British populace for successive waves of mass immigration from Commonwealth countries. Various excuses were offered for this mass immigration - ‘they’ll do the jobs native British people refuse to do’, ‘they’ll help support an ageing population’, ‘they’ll boost GDP’, etc. If the British people had known what was really behind all this, there would have been a revolution.

Mass immigration was being imposed on them to divide, weaken and ultimately destroy them. All the stuff about melting pots and the joys of diversity were just handy, distracting slogans. The native population - and indeed immigrants who’d now settled and consider themselves British - were never going to be consulted on this. And even if they were, their politicians were in no position to respond to their needs because those politicians were just puppets of the Predator Class.

The people who really called the shots had decided long ago - in the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan of the 1920s, for example - that through a process of demographic attrition known as ‘white replacement’ the national identities of once proud, independent and distinctive European nations could be diluted and weakened to the point where they were no longer capable of resisting One World Government. This is roughly where we are now.

Try telling that to Simon Heffer next time you bump into him at a dinner party. And if you do, please take a video of him blustering about the utter insanity of your conspiracy theory. This is how people in the mainstream media think. As I say, I know this because I used to think that way myself.
So Enoch Powell: a good man hung out to dry by the Cabal for telling the truth?

Not quite, much as I’d like to think so given that among his other qualities, he was a dedicated fox-hunting man.

But he was also a raging paedo who abused his prestige and influence to secure the unwilling sexual services of hapless boys from care homes such as Kincora in Northern Ireland. Read on, here, for all the grisly details https://villagemagazine.ie/suffer-little-children/
So no, Enoch Powell wasn’t one of history’s cruelly misrepresented good guys. He wasn’t one of ours. He was yet another one of theirs.


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Will No One Think of the (Probably) Fake Children??

Here is a comment from an earlier piece I wrote expressing scepticism about a widely reported story concerning the alleged slaughter of young Taylor Swift fans in Southport, supposedly by a 17 year old man of Rwandan heritage.

“Whatever fake thing they have cooked up in Southport”….sorry James that is a sick and disgusting comment right now…you have lost a fan

I have no idea whether this fan ‘David’ is who he claims to be. At times like this, any articles questioning the official narrative tend to get swamped with intelligence service bots sowing doubt and division. But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, assume he is real, and allay his concerns.

David: you really aren’t the only person out there who finds the murder of innocents, children especially, abhorrent, upsetting and senseless. Everybody else does too. Everyone, that is, who is not a psychopath. You are not special. You are not privy to a peculiar degree of empathy and insight in which others, less sensitive, are cruelly deficient. You are just responding in the way that John Donne described when he wrote:

Any man’s death diminisheth me because I am involved with mankind.

The last time I quoted that oft-cited line was at the time of the alleged October 7th massacre in Gaza. [https://delingpole.substack.com/p/israel-and-palestine-this-time-it?utm_source=publication-search]

On that occasion, the story dominating the headlines concerned the murder of dozens of dead babies who - we were told - had had their throats cut by brutal Hamas terrorists.

The story, it subsequently emerged, was a total fabrication - likely by Israel’s next-level propaganda departments keen to whip the world’s media into the desired state of frenzied outrage.

As the Israel newspaper Haaretz - https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-05/ty-article-magazine/deepfakes-from-the-gaza-war-increase-fears-about-ais-power-to-mislead/0000018c-3a07-dc03-a9ec-3e7fadf10000 - reported on the use of fake images and videos (by both sides, it claimed) to manipulate people’s emotions:

“The more abhorrent the image, the more likely a user is to remember it and to share it, unwittingly spreading the disinformation further.

‘People are being told right now: look at this picture of a baby’, Ahmed said. ‘The disinformation is designed to make you engage with it.’

I’m sure all the Davids out there - real ones, not just tragically small penised intelligence operatives, too-thick-even-for-cannon-fodder working for 77th Brigade - would have got jolly upset had you tried to explain at the time that they were being played and had fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book.

But they were and they did. I don’t expect any contrition or self-awareness from these dupes any time soon. After all, they’ll be far too busy getting worked up about the (likely) fake victims of the next big psyop.

As usual - is the girl ever wrong? - the wonderful Miriaf is with me on this. https://open.substack.com/pub/miri/p/the-whole-of-the-moon?r=8sxau&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

The first thing we have to acknowledge is that none of us really know for sure what happened. I don't and you don't, but if the event has provoked a strong emotional response in you, then you're even less likely to be able to assess it impartially and accurately.

"What do you mean impartially, you monster! Don't you know that children have just died?!"

No, I don't know that, actually, and nor do you. We only know the media has told us they have.

Did they really die?

Of course it's entirely possible and plausible that they did. Devastatingly, children die every day, and sometimes in horrific, brutal circumstances. This is - obviously - always an unspeakable tragedy for them and their loved ones.

The stark truth is, however, that every time a child meets a violent death - and children who are murdered are most often killed by parents or step-parents - the whole nation isn't up in arms about it.

That's because we don't generally know about it, and we don't generally know about it, because the media doesn't generally tell us, and when it does, it's usually a few short paragraphs on the back pages, not sensationalist front page news everywhere.

Miri’s piece applies, of course, not just to Southport but also to Gaza, the Manchester Arena ‘bombing’ [Do read Iain Davis’s superb coverage of the showtrial of Richard D Hall, the researcher who was all over that nonsense 

and indeed to every other incident heavily promoted in the mainstream media in which innocent people (especially if they are children) are murdered or maimed.

Really it should be printed out on a card so that we can carry around in our pockets ready to flash in the face of anyone who looks across at us piteously from their newspaper or TV screen and tries to engage us in the emotional psychodrama of the latest, murdered babies du jour fabrication.

I say ‘fabrication.’ Obviously, as Miriaf - who is much more sensible than me - correctly points out, we cannot be sure in any given instance whether on this occasion real people were killed or not. What we can and should do, though, every time another of these incidents grabs the headlines (and there’s your first clue by the way) is too look out for the ‘tells’.

Among the obvious tells in this Southport story are: the invocation of Taylor Swift (he’s a wrong ‘un, for sure); the bizarre Rwandan connection (ties in with Normies’ idea about where all those machete-wielding immigrants should properly be sent); the deeply unconvincing interviews given by the supposed witnesses and relatives; the suspiciously quickly set up GoFundMe operations (which, as Miriaf correctly observes, are how participants in these alleged psyops are generally rewarded for their duplicity); and the way the event was successfully used by various dubious media players and influencers to persuade a bunch of idiots to attack a mosque (why?), and then, after that, to enable Cabal Manchurian Candidate Keir Starmer to prepare the ground for the closure of ‘far-right’ channels like Telegram.

And lots of you fell for it. Including the woman on my Telegram channel who protested “But they’ve named the children.”

Yes, they always name the children. Remember little Saffie Rose Roussos [note the three names] from the Manchester Arena bombing?

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Brief Thoughts on the 33rd Satanic Olympics

I think Christians getting upset about things like the Last Supper parody is just part of the fake news distraction in the same way Tommy Robinson is or whatever fake thing they’ve cooked up in Southport.

I’m not saying Christians aren’t right to be upset. But what it does is normalise and neutralise the bigger issue by allowing it to be portrayed in the MSM as a kind of “Christians get upset about the kind of thing that Christians would get upset about” story.

The bigger issue, very simply, is the entire Olympics opening ceremony was a Satanic occult ritual. Right there, in your face. As blatant and shameless as the St Gotthard tunnel ceremony. And They don’t even care that we can see it.

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